Book Review: Little Town on the Prairie

Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Little Town on the Prairie (Little House, #7)
by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Garth Williams (Illustrator)

5 out of 5 stars

This book has always been one of my favorites of the Little House series, because it focuses a lot on Laura’s schooling. I’m a teacher, so stories about school are very near to my heart. Laura is studying to be a teacher, so that she can make some money to help her sister Mary stay in college.

Her friends at school are sweet and kind, and they develop a strong friend group, loyal and generous. However, that mean snitch Nellie Oleson makes their lives difficult. Laura often loses her temper and says spiteful things to Nellie, but she deserves it!

One of my favorite chapters is when Laura rocks the desk in defiance of her teacher’s unfair punishment of Laura’s sister, Carrie. Laura has a strong sense of justice and she is very protective of her little sister, and I always admired that.

Although the Ingalls family are not wealthy, at this point in the series they are prospering and have a little extra money for some nice things. Laura is able to join in with her friends at social events and have clothing and accessories similar to her friends. I love the chapter when they all buy the trendy name cards.

In this book we also establish Almanzo Wilder as a potential suitor for Laura. He shows some interest in her, but there is nothing definite yet. We have to wait for the next book to see how their romance unfolds.

I love how wholesome and soothing these books are. It takes me back to my childhood when I first read them!

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